

This beautiful, pink template is a simple 2-column layout that puts all of your achievements front and center.



Kyoto is a clean resume template that has space for all of the important stuff. Update the theme color to match your style.



Vienna is a simple, no-frills resume template that has space for work experience, education, skills, and contact information.



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One of our most popular templates thanks to the fun texture and intuitive way of displaying skills.



Boston is a sophisticated template that's perfect for the finance industry or academia.



Charleston is a clean template that's easy to read. It has a light, modern feel that works well for tech and business industries.



Antwerp is the perfect resume template to help you land your next career. It has a clean, modern feel with space for a headshot, references, skills, and more.



This 2-column template has a dark theme and flashes of green that are reminiscent of the Emerald City.



Casablanca is a modern resume template with room for a headshot and a pop of color to help you stand out.

Rio de Janeiro


Rio de Janeiro is a colorful and fun template with an intuitive layout for easy scanning of your work history.



Amsterdam is a classic, 2-column layout that includes space for a headshot and overview of your qualifications.



A simple, 2-column resume template that clearly displays work experience, hobbies, education, and more!



Copenhagen is a simple, no-frills resume that doesn't include a headshot or flashy colors.



Dublin is a single column resume template that's perfect if you want to keep your work experience front and center.

New Orleans


New Orleans is a fun & colorful resume template that has plenty of space for showcasing your experience.



This simple, no-frills template is perfect for jobs that don't require higher education because it emphasizes work experience over education.



Singapore is an easy-to-read resume template with bold section headers. Change the template color to match your personality and separate yourself from your competition!



Stand out from other candidates with this resume template. Vancouver is a wonderful, 2-column template that prominently displays your work experience.



Seoul is an elegant template that is perfect for showing off your experience. Add a headshot and customize the colors to stand out and set yourself apart from other candidates.

Las Vegas


Our most popular template! This bright template is laid out for easy scanning and includes space for a headshot.

Los Angeles


Los Angeles is an elegant template with a classy header that includes a professional summary and space for a headshot.



This simple, classic template is 2-columns and has enough room for everything that's important.



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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Nice Resume Premium work?

When you purchase our premium plan you’ll get immediate access to all current paid resume templates. We’ll send you an email when we add new paid templates in the future too!

How do I download my resume template?

After you click the “Pay” button you’ll be redirected to the Google Doc resume template you purchased. Just click “File” then “Make A Copy” to save it to Google Drive.

What is your refund policy?

Our refund policy is simple: If you’re ever unhappy with our products for any reason, just contact us and we’ll take care of you.